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newBookmarkLockedFalling GOD HAS A PLAN.. WE ARE INCLUDED IN IT .YES YOU TOO! read o
JEM 0 1,288 by JEM
Jul 4, 2019 12:30:48 GMT


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THE PRICE OF NUCLEAR POWER. On MAY 24th 1946 at the Bikini Atoll a scientist preparing for a Test was holding 2 hemispheres apart using a screwdriver, to bring them to the correct heat
At the critical moment the screwdriver fell on the floor and the hemispheres slid together and a blue light appeared which would have become white heat and caused an explosion With his bare hands the scientist tore the 2 apart thereby stopping a chain reaction from starting and saving 7 people's lives who were however knocked over
As they were going to hospital he knew they would be OK but that he would die of radiation sickness, as he did 9 days later. The cost of his kindness, his love, to save them was the sacrifice of his own life.
Greater love has no man but to lay down his life for his friends. Easter reminds us that while we were yet sinners, rebels against God's authority, Jesus Christ accepted death on the Cross to protect us, rescue us, redeem us, and to reconcile us with the GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY to whom the Universe belongs. THAT IS WORTH REJOICING and SHARING WIDELY. That is what The Lighthouse Prayer Ministry seeks to.
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